Wednesday, December 1, 2010

What Time Is It?


It is Calendar time at our house!  This is our biggest family tradition that Scott and I have started with our children.  A few years ago we found this really neat reusable Advent calendar.  We fill each day with 3 pieces of candy (as we have 3 children) and then talk about something related to Christmas.  One year we picked a country each day and talked about how they celebrate Christmas.  One year we read through the Nativity story and watched the movie.  This year we are starting out talking about different countries and what they eat at a traditional Christmas dinner.

Um...I am moving to Canada.  Just sayin'.  They have this thing that is a GIANT SWISS CAKE ROLL. For Christmas! 

A Giant Swiss Cake Roll!!!

All I can say is yum.  YUM!!!!  I already love Canada for their poutine. (French fries with cheese curds covered in brown gravy.  I know it sounds nasty, but it isn't.  It is yummy.)  So Canada, I pledge my taste buds to you.  I don't have an opinion on hockey, moose or mounties, but I love your food.  Eh.

1 comment:

  1. What a neat idea! We had an Advent calendar too but it had Santa on it. And we didn't talk about anything, just fought over who got the Hershey's kiss with the almond in it.
