Wednesday, December 25, 2019

I ❤️ Christmas!

I. Love. Christmas. 

I love the traditions. I love the decorations. I love the feelings of peace and giving. I love the story of Jesus' birth. I love the "good defeats evil" thread that is woven all throughout that story. 

But sometimes, Christmas doesn't love me.

Sometimes I let the Grinch sneak up and shrink my heart. I allow the master deceiver to take all the joy out of everything. Over the past few years I've done that WAY too often. This year I promised myself I wasn't going to do it. And guess what? With the exception of a couple of little blips, I did it! 

As I'm laying here on my couch with dogs cuddled up at my feet and my children gone to celebrate with their grandparents and aunts and uncles and cousins,  I am filled with peace and joy.

The gifts were few (as they always are here) but the laughs and the "Oh! Thank you!"s were plenty.

So I pray that your holiday season was filled with peace and joy. And if it wasn't, I encourage you to dig deep and evaluate why. Was it simply allowing the ultimate Grinch to steal your spirit? Was it toxic people you need to set boundaries around? Was it unchecked mental illness that steals everything? I encourage you to reach out and ask for help. Whether that help looks like a friend, pastor, therapist, doctor, crisis hot line, please reach out. Because YOU matter. And Christmas and the gift that was sent is for YOU too. 

Merry Christmas friends!