Friday, September 20, 2013

Leap of Faith

Lots of thoughts, but I'm not sure how to put words to them. I've been searching for the words but mainly I've just found pictures on pinterest where I say "yes! That's what I said in here!" while either pointing at my head and/or heart. But I think right now I'm going off in a tangent....

I've been burned, jaded, broken. We all know this. And due to this, walls were built. Very thick, sturdy walls. Tall, difficult walls. Walls with razor wire on them. But someone actually got through them. & not because this person climbed & cut and faced treachery, but because this person was simply a great person. IS simply a great person.

It's so crazy that us people are so stupid. That we can have something nice in front of us, yet push it away because something fabulous could come around. When all the while, that something fabulous was wrapped up in "nice" wrapping.

So I guess the moral of my ramblings, the learning that has happened here is......take the chances. Jump without a net. Take the fall. Because while, sure, you might fall, but you most certainly will get back up. And who knows....maybe you WON'T fall. Maybe you WON'T be rejected. Maybe that leap of faith is all you needed to see fabulous right in front of you.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Broken pieces

She tried to fix it. All those broken pieces on the floor. But every time she pieced two together, more would break, cutting her in the process. Finally she decided to stand up, walk away & heal herself because some things can not be fixed.


Her bruised and battered heart was stronger. Strong enough to hold up the walls that were built to protect. But every once in a while those walls gripped like a vice & her heart had to weep for the thousands of healing fractures it's had to endure. But like all muscles, her heart heals and is stronger, bigger, more able to withstand harder heartbreaks.