But here is my confession. Friday I didn't do dishes. We went grocery shopping and I just didn't do them. But I was liberated right? One day of undone dishes would not break me. Saturday I would do them and it would be fine. However, Saturday fell on the weekend this week. You see weekends and I have this bond, this sisterhood if you will. We don't work. Nope. No working on weekends. Many times I have told myself that I would clean bedrooms or tackle the laundry monster or just do a load of dishes, but me and the weekend...we have a truce. We just don't work. Soooooo this morning I woke up to this....
CAUTION: The following is true and unadulterated. View at your own risk.
I know. I am so ashamed. It is horrible. I am so humiliated! So I rolled up my sleeves and I dug in. And after a little bit you know what happened? I FOUND MY SINK!! YEAHHHHHHH!!!!!!
But alas, one load of dishes didn't work this miracle. This is what I had left:
So currently, while the other load is washing away in my full and happy dishwasher (which is unarguably the BEST invention ever), this is what my sink looks like.
So, have you been crawling? Have you had some missteps? Leave me a comment and let me know if you have. And click on an ad. And the leukemia and lymphoma banner. :)
Wow!! Keep up the good work! Love you.