Thursday, January 27, 2011

Where has compassion gone?

I was irritated today.  I just wanted to jump out of my car and yell "HAVE SOME RESPECT!!!"

Background.....Last week there was a local tragedy.  There was a car accident that killed 2 teenagers.  There has been alot of outpouring of sympathies.  I have seen a few different Facebook groups and quite a few people have changed their profile picture to their high schools mascot pictures.  Very nice and I am sure the family has appreciated prayers from people that don't even know them, but are saddened by the tragic happenings.

However.....Today I was on my way home from running a few errands.  I noticed a couple of police cars blocking traffic and wondered what was going on.  Then I saw the funeral procession for one of the teens.  I was driving the opposite way, but proceeded to pull over.  That's what you do, right?  Well apparantly not too many do it because cars were flying past me.  There were two other cars who pulled over behind me.  Is it too much to ask for some respect?  I was really disapointed in those other people.  I am positive that everyone who saw the processional knew who it was for.  Afterall this is a small town and people are in the know.  I realize that it was long, as all funeral processions for young people are, but was it more important for you to get where you were going 5 minutes faster?

Things like this really make me boil because there was a time when people would have stopped!  People might have even gotten out of their car and bowed their heads as the cars past by.  It illustrates to me just how far down the compassion ladder we have fallen.

I pray for the families of the two teenagers.  I pray for their friends.  I pray for their school.  I pray for their town.  I pray for the rest of us that we can all find compassion again.


  1. Good post, Anessa. You could always write to the Journal Star!

  2. I've been driving nearly 9 years and honestly I had no idea that if you were in the oncoming traffic lane you were supposed to pull over. I'm not sure I've ever seen anyone do it either. I knew you weren't supposed to pass from behind them... :(
