Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Double Day

So I know this is the second post for today.  Note my last entry on procrastination will ya?  :)

I made a new Pandora station (love that site) and a song came on.  Ohhhh!  Instantly loved it.  Here are the lyrics.

Remember Me By Ginny Owens

In a Bible cracked and faded by the years
Remember Me
In a sanctuary filled with silent prayer

And age to age and heart to heart
bound by grace and peace
Child of wonder child of God
I've remembered you
Remember Me

Remember Me
when the color of the sunset fills the sky
Remember Me
when you pray and tears of joy fall from your eyes

And age to age and heart to heart
bound by grace and peace
Child of wonder child of God
I've remembered you
Remember Me

Remember Me
when the children leave their Sunday school
with smiles
Remember Me
when they're old enough to teach
old enough to preach
old enough to leave

And age to age and heart to heart
bound by grace and peace
Child of wonder child of God
I've remembered you
Remember Me

Wow.  Just how often do we not remember Him?  I know that He is thinking, loving, remembering me, but does He know that I am doing the same?  He probably knows that I am not.  How many times have I looked at my children and just smiled and thought "You have done good," and meant that for their true Creator?  I am just the vessel in which He made them.  They are not mine, they are His.  And I am thankful for that.  I am thankful to HIM for His children whom He has allowed me to "adopt" for the time being.  I am thankful for my husband whom He has loaned to me while I am on this earth.  I am thankful for the country I am allowed to reside until I move to my real home with Him.  I am thankful for the family in which He has placed me.  I am thankful and so I will remember Him.  I will remember Him in all things big and small.  I will remember Him when I am complaining about the dishes and when I am blown away by beautiful trees.  I will remember Him when I am procrastinating and when I am doing what shouldn't be put off until tomorrow. 

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