Wednesday, March 2, 2011


I decided to play around with my blog look and found roses.  *Sigh* I love roses.  I always have.  I used to save rose petals in a basket.  It sat on my floor in my room and I had this book about roses.  It wasn't a "how to grow" book, but a nice poetic book.  There were quotes about roses, exerpts of stories about roses, pictures and even recipies.  Yes, recipies.  Did you know you could candy roses?  My mom is an excellent gardner and had roses for a while and I would always cut them off and pluck the petals.  Any anytime my mom or I would get roses, I would rescue the petals before they were thrown away.  They were actually only nice for a little bit and then they would dry and that basket would get dumped very often and I would have crunchy rose petal pieces on my floor.  But I just scooped them back into the basket anyway. 

My rose petals were always red.  I didn't mix colors much and I am not sure why but I didn't.  However, yellow roses have always been my favorite.  Rose "history," or what have you,  will say that yellow roses mean friendship.  I don't care.  I would much rather get one yellow one than a dozen red ones from my sweetie. 

Sometimes I wish I could grow plants and such so I could have roses.  But, I have a black thumb.  I kill all plants.  And roses are very high maintenance.  Which makes me pause to think....maybe that is why I love them so much.  Because I am so very much like a rose....;)

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