Thursday, May 19, 2011

BOOBS I tell you...BOOBS!!

I have had more than one person ask me about how I was doing because Zaia will be going to kindergarten in the fall.  It makes me sad, but to be honest, I am not thinking about it much because I have bigger fish to fry.

Joel is going to be attending the middle school next year.  Yes, you know, JUNIOR HIGH.  As in, pimples and hormones and...well...BOOBS!

No, not for Joel, but on others.  You know, the GIRLS. 

I just (and by just, I mean, like 90 seconds ago) dropped him off for his first dance.  Yes...DANCE.  The student council at the middle school is hosting a dance for 5th through 8th grade.  A sort of "hello" to the 5th graders coming into the school and a "goodbye" to the 8th graders leaving for high school.  *Shutter* 

Don't get me wrong, I am excited for him.  I LOVED dances.  I was (maybe still am...) into all the drama that could come out of it.  "I am in LOVE with him but he won't even say HELLO!!!  We are supposed to be friends!  What a jerk!" or "Why does that guy keep standing by me.  I don't even like him!" or "Oh my god Becky.  Look at her butt..."  Oh wait...I never said that...Just DANCED TO IT!!!! 

So yeah....I REALLY don't believe that 1)my son is old enough to go through all those emotions (He's just a little BOY!!!) and more importantly 2) I am old enough to be the mother of someone going through all those emotions (I am YOUNG!! YOUNG I say!!).

So yeah...I just dropped him off for his first dance and he was so excited.  And I am excited for I watched those girls with their BOOBS follow behind him.   Oy vey!

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha... my best friend's niece who just turned 4 asked her grandma out loud at ICC's graduation, "Meena, why do you have boobs?" lol! And you are young!! When I was going into sixth grade, my mom was like 34. So yeah, you're doing good! ;)
