Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Where is the magic pill?!

I have never been a "little" girl.  I wasn't overweight growing up, but I certainly never fit into any of my girlfriends' size 4 pants.  I also have never been a good "dieter."  I am not a fan of sweating or over exerting myself, therefore I am NOT a fan of exercising.  I also love food.  I do believe if you look back a few blog entries you might find all of these same ideas.  Ugh.

However, Scott is ready to diet again, and I know that for him to succeed I must do it as well.  I suck at it.  It isn't that I eat a ton, actually I skip breakfast and lunch most days.  But I make wrong food choices and I do believe by skipping meals it hinders me.  I have all these friends who are on "diets" and who do all these new exercise things and seem very excited and motivated.  I wish it motivated me. 

Maybe if my husband was jerk a said he would divorce me if I didn't lose X amount of weight.  Or yelled at me every time I ate a cheeseburger. (We had a friend who did that!! How awful!)  Maybe if my kids called me Fatty McFats alot.  Maybe these things would motivate me.  However, in reality, Scott would get a swift kick in his BEE-hind if he did either of those things and my children would be grounded to the closet if they did. 

So I ask...Where is my magic pill already?  The one that does all the work?  The one that does not come with the fine print that says "Works alongside a sensible diet and exercise."  Oh boy, God must be chuckling at me and my childish "GIVE ME GIVE ME GIVE ME!!!!!"  Either that or rolling his eyes and preparing my lesson in patience and hard work. 

Phooey.  I will cross my arms, sit in the corner and stick out my tongue.  Then I suppose...if I HAVE to, after my temper tantrum is over, I will start the hard work.  Humph.  But not right now....I am still pouting.


  1. Preach it!

    And if you find that magic pill, please give me the name and distributer. Thanks.

  2. I will say, that I was someone who never ate breakfast. And now I eat something small (usually a greek yogert, some fruit and almonds). I also became a big eater ( i eat what is on my plate)...and now have realized that if I portion out my food, I eat whats on my plate...and guess what. I am usually full and no longer hungry!
    It seems to be working for me. Also, I am tracking calories on Seeing what I am eating is a little bit of a "realization" of what I am doing. It certainly helps.
